(302) 449-6810

Porcelain Veneers

Divine Dental Veneers

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. However, if the appearance isn’t quite where you want it to be, Dr. Jake Uram is happy to deliver. 

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dentistry solution that can make a drastic improvement in the appearance of your smile—adding balance, improving color, and concealing imperfections in your teeth for a transformed look.

Cosmetic Veneers Defined

Dental veneers are thin shells that are custom-made to fit over the front surface of a tooth. Typically, they are made of porcelain and are designed to improve the appearance of the teeth by bonding to their front surfaces. Dr. Uram likes to customize veneers to match the color and shape of the surrounding teeth, creating a seamless, natural-looking result. 

While veneers are amazing tools to improve a patient’s smile, it is essential to note that dental veneers are a cosmetic solution and do not address underlying dental problems. If imperfections are primarily the result of tooth decay or gum disease, we’ll prioritize improving your general dental health before continuing with aesthetic treatments.

Our Porcelain Veneers Process

Generally, veneers are applied in two to three dental visits. Before officially commencing treatment, we start with an oral examination and take dental X-rays if necessary to make sure teeth are in good health to receive this treatment.

Once we begin, the teeth are first prepared to receive the veneer by carefully removing a thin portion of the front surface enamel from the tooth. Afterward, impressions are then taken off the teeth and sent to a dental lab to fabricate your custom-made veneers. Temporary veneers are bonded in the meantime to protect the teeth until the follow-up visit. 

After we receive the permanent veneers, Dr. Uram will remove the temporary shells and replace them with the final product. The veneers are carefully adjusted for a precise and comfortable fit before they’re cemented into place with a solid dental adhesive for a lasting bond.

Discover the Majesty of Porcelain Veneers

As dental providers, few experiences are as enjoyable as helping somebody feel great about their smile. For patients who have shied away from showing off their teeth in the past, our porcelain veneers and other cosmetic treatments can truly transform. Make your smile your best feature today, and book a consultation for porcelain veneers.

Where Dental Concierge Happens

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