(302) 449-6810

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are one of the most common general dentistry tools used to repair cavities and restore damaged teeth. Despite their frequency, Dr. Jake Uram still aims to provide the highest quality service with every tooth filling we perform. 

We’ve made tooth-colored composite fillings our preference because this style of dental filling matches the look of your natural smile, so you can continue to smile confidently with stronger, healthier teeth.

Composite Fillings Defined

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored or white fillings, are made of a mixture of plastic and glass particles that blend to create a material that matches the white color of your natural teeth. The physical traits of composite resin make tooth-colored fillings an attractive option for filling cavities, especially on teeth that are visible when you smile or talk. 

Dr. Uram exclusively places composite fillings to ensure the best results. With tooth-colored fillings, patients can feel confident that their restorations won’t affect their appearance while they improve the health and structure of their teeth.

Our Composite Fillings Process

The tooth filling process is simple and comfortable. If necessary, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic and sedation dentistry with the goal of ensuring that the patient feels at ease. Then, the decayed or damaged area of the tooth is removed and disinfected to stop the further spread of bacteria. 

Next, the composite filling is applied directly to the tooth in layers to rebuild the tooth and restore the smile. Each layer of resin material is dried with the help of a UV light between layers until the process is completed. 

At the end of the dental filling process, Dr. Uram will then give a final check to ensure cavity fillings fit securely and snugly for a long-lasting, attractive solution.

Find Dental Fillings
in Middletown, DE

Overall, composite fillings offer an aesthetic and safe solution for restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury. If you’ve held back from treatment because of fear or a bad experience in the past, we’re eager to change your perception of the dentist. You can expect comfortable, lasting restorations that leave you looking and feeling your best.

Where Dental Concierge Happens

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