(302) 449-6810


Dependable Dentures

Losing teeth can significantly impact one’s self-esteem, ability to eat comfortably, and overall quality of life. However, Dr. Jake Uram of Dentistry in Middletown believes in offering a lasting restorative solution that can restore your smile and bring back the joys of daily life.

Dentures have long been recognized as a reliable and effective option for replacing missing teeth, and our dedicated team is here to guide you through the denture journey, providing compassionate care and custom-made prosthetics that not only fit securely but also look natural, allowing you to regain confidence in your appearance and enjoy the pleasures of life once more.

Dentures Defined

Dentures are dental appliances that are designed to assist those who have lost most, if not all, of their teeth. These prosthetic devices come in a variety of options and are custom-made to fit everyone’s mouth. For many people, dentures are a source of newfound confidence and happiness as they can comfortably and naturally enjoy their favorite foods again without worrying about missing teeth.

Our Denture Process

Dentures have come a long way in recent years, with advancements in technology making them more comfortable and natural-looking than ever before. If you’re considering dentures as a solution for your missing teeth, it’s always best to consult with our Middletown, DE, denture dentist to discuss which type of denture is right for you.

During this appointment, Dr. Uram will assess your oral health and provide a personalized treatment plan. This will help determine which style of denture is right for you and arrange any preliminary treatments if necessary. 

Once that’s been approved, we’ll take precise impressions of your mouth to create your custom dentures. For the best results, you may have to come back for additional visits for fittings with temporary dentures.

After your final dentures are made, you’ll visit us once more to check the fit and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, you’ll receive ongoing care and maintenance instructions to ensure that your dentures continue to provide optimal dental health for years to come.

Get Your Confident Smile Back

Don’t let tooth loss continue to hinder your daily life. At Dentistry in Middletown, we take pride in providing reliable denture services so that our patients can achieve a healthy and confident smile. 

With our attention to detail and advanced techniques, we can ensure a comfortable fit and a natural-looking smile that will leave you feeling confident and ready to embrace life to the fullest. Let Dr. Uram help you regain your smile.

Where Dental Concierge Happens

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